Evaluación de la Planeación Estratégica en las Pymes del sector hotelero del municipio de La Plata (Huila)

Objective: to evaluate the strategic planning in the SMEs of the hotel sector of the municipality of La Plata (Huila). Methodology: The investigation was divided into three stages mainly; the first, contextualizes the theoretical framework presenting the bases of the research, making reference to strategic planning as a motor of competitiveness of companies worldwide; the second stage presents the methodology that was developed for the search of the pertinent information in the field work; and the third shows the results obtained in the investigation and the corresponding analysis. Results and conclusions: present the results of a diagnosis on the current strategic planning of the SMEs of the hotel sector in the municipality of La Plata department of Huila, with which their level of competitiveness in the established area was determined. The research carried out serves as a tool for government entities or public and private institutions to carry out academic and productive projects in order to improve the level of the sector studied and contribute to the economic development of the region.
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