Bone Marrow Grafts in Lethally Irradiated Monkeys The Effect of Preceding Blood Transfusions on the Fate of Homologous

SUMMARYAttempts at bone marrow transplantation after total body irradiation inRhesus monkeys which have received multiple blood transfusions leads only rarely to acceptance of the graft, whereas in animals that were not previouslytransfused, a take of the graft is the rule. Immunization against subsequentbone marrow transplants was not only observed after transfusions with bloodfrom the future donor, but also after multiple transfusions from unrelatedthird-party donors.From these observations in monkeys it is concluded that many of the fail-ures to observe a take of attempted bone marrow transplants in man may berelated to the fact that the recipient had received multiple blood transfusionsprior to transplantation. SUMMARIO IN INTERLINGUALe effortio de effectuar transpiantationes de medulla ossee post irradiation del corpore total in simias rhesus le quales ha recipite multiple transfusiones de sanguine resulta solorarmente in le acceptation del graffo, durante que in anirnales non previemente subjicite atransfusiones, le acceptation del graffo es le regula. Imniunisation contra subsequente trans-
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