Physiological and clinical outcome of open and closed hemorrhoidectomy compared with stapling method according to long

AIM OF STUDY: The aim of the study was to evaluate and inaugurate a new method for the treatment of hemorrhoidal disease with the usage of a stapling device (Long's method). PATIENTS: The study spanning two years (September 1999 to June 2001), included 97 hospitalized patients aged 19-75 years, 42 (43.3%) female and 55 (56.7%) male, exhibiting symptoms and signs of stage III hemorrhoidal disease. The patients were divided into three groups: (a) 35 patients treated with open hemorrhoidectomy for stage II hemorrhoidal disease; (b) 30 patients treated with closed hemorrhoidectomy for stage III hemorrhoidal disease; and (c) 32 patients treated for stage III hemorrhoidal disease by a stapling device, i. e. Long's method. RESULTS: Study results showed no statistically significant differences between either open or closed hemorrhoidectomy and Long's method in the following parameters: urinary retention, early bleedings during the first 48 hours, late bleedings, incontinence, anal stenosis, and relapses. Statistically significant differences between the groups of patients treated with either open or closed hemorrhoidectomy and those treated with Long's method were recorded in the following parameters: healing time, subjective feeling of pain, pain pro rata to quantity, and use of analgesics. CONCLUSION: Hemorrhoidectomy by Long's method is an ideal surgical procedure because it allows to realize to goals set on implementing new therapeutic methods: to achieve healing without relapse, to reduce postoperative pain, anal stenosis and incontinence after hemorrhoidectomy, to preserve the physiology of the anal canal, and to familiarize less skilled proctology surgeons with the simplicity of the method.
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