The effect of emotional memory management training to respond to intrusive memories of mild depression

In this study, a sample of 25-35 years old women was referred to the cultural cognition. 112 samples were selected and Beck and answer intrusive questionnaires were completed. Of the 28 criteria of the study, the researchers worked with 24 individuals. The 24 patients were randomly assigned to two experimental and control groups. Before and after the emotional memory management training, both groups responded to the questionnaires. Emotional memory management to reduce the distress associated with the recovery of intrusive memories, negative evaluation and response suppression and retrieval of memories, the impact of a one-month follow-up confirmed the stability of emotional memory management to reduce rumination.Statistical effect of a reaction analysis not confirmed. Using emotional memory management training program, it could be that the skills to deal with depression and to prevent their return to help people, teach.
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