How do Japanese isolates of Verticillium dahliae correspond with standardized VCG testers

We examined the vegetative compatibility of 56 Japanese isolates provisionally assigned to four subgroups ofV. dahliae to estimate the genetic relatedness with testers of the standardized VCGs. Subgroup J1 was assigned to VCG 2A/B as a new category of assignment. Subgroup J2, except isolate Vdt 110, was assigned to VCG 2A, and subgroup J3, except isolate Vdf 1, was assigned to VCG 2B. Isolates Vdf 1 and Vdt 110 were assigned to VCG 2A/B. Subgroup J4 was assigned to two subgroups, VCG 4B for Vde 1 and VCG 4A/B for FY 3 and HR 1. Four isolates were compatible with both VCG 2 and 4. Isolate U56 was compatible with VCG 2A/B and 4A. Isolates of VCG 2A, Vdt 9 and FF1, were compatible with either VCG 4A or 4A/B. One isolate of VCG 2B, Vdp-4, was compatible with VCG 4A. Three isolates of subgroup J2 showed weak reactions with the testers of VCG 4. These isolates may be “bridging strains”. Japanese isolates were composed of two VCGs, 2 and 4, “bridging strains” compatible with these VCGs, and some self-incopatible isolates. Testers of VCG 1 and VCG 3 did not show any reactions with the Japanese isolates.
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