Joint cache resource allocation and request routing for in-network caching services

Abstract In-network caching is recognized as an effective solution to offload content servers and the network. A cache service provider (SP) always has incentives to better utilize its cache resources by taking into account diverse roles that content providers (CPs) play, e.g., their business models, traffic characteristics, preferences. In this paper, we study the cache resource allocation problem in a Multi-Cache Multi-CP environment. We propose a cache partitioning approach, where each cache can be partitioned into slices with each slice dedicated to a content provider. We propose a content-oblivious request routing algorithm, to be used by individual caches, that optimizes the routing strategy for each CP. We associate with each content provider a utility that is a function of its content delivery performance, and formulate an optimization problem with the objective to maximize the sum of utilities over all content providers. We establish the biconvexity of the problem, and develop decentralized (online) algorithms based on convexity of the subproblem. The proposed model is further extended to bandwidth-constrained and minimum-delay scenarios, for which we prove fundamental properties, and develop efficient algorithms. Finally, we present numerical results to show the efficacy of our mechanism and the convergence of our algorithms.
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