Reflections on the Erd\H {o}s Discrepancy Problem

We consider some coloring issues related to the famous Erd\H {o}s Discrepancy Problem. A set of the form $A_{s,k}=\{s,2s,\dots,ks\}$, with $s,k\in \mathbb{N}$, is called a \emph{homogeneous arithmetic progression}. We prove that for every fixed $k$ there exists a $2$-coloring of $\mathbb N$ such that every set $A_{s,k}$ is \emph{perfectly balanced} (the numbers of red and blue elements in the set $A_{s,k}$ differ by at most one). This prompts reflection on various restricted versions of Erd\H {o}s' problem, obtained by imposing diverse confinements on parameters $s,k$. In a slightly different direction, we discuss a \emph{majority} variant of the problem, in which each set $A_{s,k}$ should have an excess of elements colored differently than the first element in the set. This problem leads, unexpectedly, to some deep questions concerning completely multiplicative functions with values in $\{+1,-1\}$. In particular, whether there is such a function with partial sums bounded from above.
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