Yüzme Eğitiminin Çocukların Yalnızlık Düzeylerine Etkisi: Deneysel Bir Çalışma

Purpose: The purpose of the study is to investigate the effects of swimming training on children’s loneliness levels. Material and Method: The data has been gathered by the Loneliness Scale for Children were adapted to Turkish Kaya (2005).34 Taking into account the results of the scale, a study group of 146 children was formed. A control group consisting of 73 children and an experimental group consisting of 73 children were formed taking the scores of the scale into consideration. The mean age of the children on the experimental group was 9.87 years, and the mean age of the children on the control group was 9.66 years. The Loneliness Scale for Children was administered to each child. The model of pre-test and post-test controlled was used. During 10 weeks, while control group was pursing their normal life activities, experimental group participated in a basic swimming exercise program two times a week. The Loneliness Scale for Children was administered to each child before and after 10 weeks. The independent t-test and paired t-test has used for the data analysis. Results: The results indicated that the experimental and control groups revealed no significant difference in the pre-test scores of loneliness. The results of the independent t-test indicate the significant difference between the scores of the participants of the experimental and control groups in post tests in terms of level of loneliness. The results of the paired t-test indicate that the post-test scores of the children on the experimental group decreased compare with the pre-test scores. The results of the paired t-test indicate the no significant difference between the scores of the participants on the control group of the pre- and post-tests. Conclusion: The results of our study suggest that benefits of swimming exercise decrease children’s loneliness levels. This result is supported with similar studies. Key Words : Swimming Training, Loneliness, Children
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