O autoconceito de estudantes de ensino médio e sua relação com desempenho acadêmico: Uma revisão sistemática

O objetivo do estudo foi revisar sistematicamente as pesquisas que analisaram a relacao do autoconceito com o rendimento academico de adolescentes do ensino medio, bem como verificar quais variaveis e contextos dentro da escola foram abordados em conjunto ao autoconceito, para melhor explicar essa relacao. A revisao incluiu estudos publicados nos ultimos 10 anos nas bases eletronicas de trabalhos cientificos: ERIC/Thesaurus, MEDLINE/Pubmed, SportDiscus, SciELO e Web of Science. Foram utilizados os descritores caracterizando componentes do autoconceito (self, self-concept e self-psychology) com os descritores relacionados ao rendimento academico, em que tambem se considerou a capacidade academica percebida (academic achievement, underachievement, educational achievement, perception of competence, competence perception, self-efficacy). Dez estudos foram incluidos na revisao. A relacao entre autoconceito e desempenho academico mostrou-se consistente e se confirmou em nove dos 10 trabalhos. Outras variaveis tambem se apresentaram importantes na explicacao do desfecho do rendimento academico, tais como a motivacao academica, a pratica de atividades extracurriculares, a autoeficacia academica e o envolvimento dos pais.Palavras-chave:Estudantes; Psicologia do self; Adolescente; Avaliacao do rendimento ABSTRACTThe aim of the study was to systematically review the studies that analyzed the relationship between self-concept and academic achievement in high school students, as well as to verify which variables and contexts within the school were approached together with self-concept, to better explain this relationship. The review included studies published in the last ten years in the scientific electronic databases: ERIC/Thesaurus, MEDLINE/Pubmed, SportDiscus, SciELO and Web of Science. The descriptors that characterized the components of self-concept used were those of self, self-concept and self-psychology, and the descriptors related to academic achievement, academic achievement, underachievement, educational achievement, perception of competence, competence perception and self-efficacy. Ten studies were included in the review. The relationship between self-concept and academic performance was consistent and confirmed in nine of the ten papers. Other variables that were important in explaining the academic achievement were academic motivation, the practice of extracurricular activities, academic self-efficacy and parental involvement.Keywords:Students; Self-psychology; Adolescent; Performance assessment
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