Expression and synthesis of cross-reactive idiotypic antibodies by peripheral blood lymphocytes and their suppression by anti-idiotypes in patients with IgA nephropathy.

We have recently described that patients with IgA nephropathy present high serum levels of anti-BSA idiotypic antibodies that were well correlated with the existence of hematuria. Furthermore, these Id were found in circulating and renal deposited immune complexes. In the present work, we examined the expression of surface idiotypic determinants on PBL by flow cytometry and their in vitro production, using as reagent anti-idiotypic antibodies previously well characterized. The presence of cross-reactive Id-bearing cells was observed in 5 out of 6 patients studied, with frequencies ranging from 3 to 12% of lymphocytes. After 7 days of culture, the spontaneous synthesis of idiotypic antibodies by PBL was found elevated in 6 out of 13 (46%) patients. A major Id cell expression and production was noted in patients with active disease as defined by hematuria. The preincubation of PBL with 20 and 50 micrograms of anti-idiotypic antibodies/2 x 10(6) cells for 3 days induced a significant inhibition of cross-reactive Id production in a dose-dependent fashion, with a degree of suppression between 12 and 50% in five out of six patients studied. In the above assays, as negative controls, we used the anti-Id antibodies previously adsorbed on an Id-Sepharose column. On the whole, these results suggest that patients with IgA nephropathy present dysfunctions in the Id-Anti-Id network that could play an important role in the pathogenesis of this disease.
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