Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience Evaluation Scores are Positively Associated with Multiple-Mini Interview Score, Pre-pharmacy GPA and Pharmacy GPA

Objective. To determine factors associated with advanced pharmacy practice experience (APPE) performance in the pre-pharmacy and Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) curriculum and establish whether performance on the multiple mini interview (MMI) independently predicts APPE evaluation scores.Methods. A multi-case MMI has been used in the admissions process since 2008. Students are scored anywhere from 1 to 7 (unsatisfactory to outstanding) on each interview. Traditional factors (GPA, PCAT, etc.) are also used in the admissions determination. Pearson product-moment correlation and ordinary least squares regression were used to explore the relationships between admissions data, pharmacy GPA, and APPE evaluation scores for the graduating classes of 2011-2014. These analyses identified which factors (pharmacy GPA, PCAT, MMI score, age, gender, rurality, resident status, degree, and underrepresented minority status) related to APPE performance.Results. Students (n=432) had a mean APPE score of 4.6; a mean MMI score of...
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