Giant inflammatory variant of well-differentiated liposarcoma of retroperitoneum: a rare case report.

Well differentiated liposarcoma(WDLPS), is a low grade malignant mesenchymal tumor. The inflammatory variant is a relatively rare subtype of WDLPS, accounting for 2 % of all liposarcomas[1]. Majority of these, have occurred in the retroperitoneum[2]. Cases have also been described in the pleura, scrotum, and the spermatic cord[3]. Its peak incidence is between 50 to 70 years[4]. These patients usually have no symptoms till tumor reaches large size and causes disturbances in adjacent structures, but at times they may present with pyrexia of unknown origin[5, 6]. Computed Tomography(CT) and Magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) are the most effective radiological procedures determining the extent of local and distal tumor invasion[5]. Surgical excision is the treatment of choice. Role of chemotherapy and radiotherapy is disputable[5]. Factors influencing survival rates are site, tumor size, depth, invasion of surrounding structures and completeness of surgical excision[6]. There is only one case report of giant inflammatory variant of well differentiated liposarcoma in world literature and this is second of its kind. We present a case of Giant inflammatory WDLPS in a 52-year-old male who came with left lower abdominal pain. The patient is doing well since 8 months and is on regular follow up.
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