Thyroid Functions İn Newborns With Septicemia

To investigate the alternations in thyroid functions the concentrations of total triiodothyronine (TT3), total tyroxJne (TT4), free triiodothyronine (FT3), free tyroxine (FT4), tyroxine binding globulin (TBG), albumin and tyroxine binding prealbumine (TBPA) were measured in 32 newborns with septicemia on days 1, 5 and 10 of hospitalisation and compared with age-matched controls. FT3 and FT4 levels of patients were significantly • lower on the first day but returned to normal on-the fifth and tenth days. On contrary to this TT3 and TT4 levels were lower on all three occasions but no significant changes were observed in TSH concentrations. TBPA and albumin levels were significantly lower in patients on the first and fifth days. A positive correlation between low TT3 and TT4 levels on the tenth day and mortality rate was also shown. Sepsisli Yenidoganlarda Tiroid Fonksiyonlari Yenidogan sepsistnde tiroid fonksiyonlanndaki degisiklikleri arastirmak amaci ile sepsisli 32 yenidoganda hastaneye yatislarinin 1., 5., ve 10. gunlerinde serum total T4, total T3, serbest T3, serbest T4, tiroksin baglayan globulin ve tiroksin baglayan prealbumin konsantrasyonlari olculdu ve sonuclar benzer yaslardaki kontrol grubu ile karsilastirildi. Birinci gunde hastalarin serum serbest T3 ve serbest T4 seviyeleri anlamli derecede dusuk idi fakat'S. ve 10. gunlerde degerler normale dondu. Buna karsin total T3 ve T4 degerleri uc olcumde de dusuk seviyelerde saptandi ve TSH duzeyi her zaman normal sinirlarda kaldi. Tiroksin baglayan prealbumin ve albumin degerleri 1. ve 5. gunlerde dusuk idi. Onuncu gunde dusuk total T4 ve total T3 degerleri ile mortalite arasinda pozitif bir iliski oldugu goruldu.
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