Nanotechnology: An Emerging Field of Osteoporosis Treatment and Kinetic Models For Drug Release Studies – A Review

Osteoporosismeans "Porous bone", thisis a skeletal related disease with low BMD(bone mineral density). Bones become morefragile andincreases high risk of   bone broking.The most effected bones are the hip, spine,shoulder and wrist bones.Decreasingbone densityis the main cause of  Osteoporosis.The  hip and spinal fractures are the most dangerous aspect of osteoporosis. It is commonly seen in old age but women have the high risk after menopause. It causes Stooped posture, loss of heightand chronic pain with resultant reduction in mobility. Common treatments of osteoporosis are changing lifestyles (include exercise and meditation in everyday life), taking orthopaedic drugsand surgical treatment.Biphosphonate medications are mainly used in the treatment of previous broken bones due to osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a second worldwide disease after cardiovascular diseases. It causes more than9 million fractures per year. Therefore researchers have turned to a new branch of nanotechnology i.e. nanomedicines to create alternative and innovative treatments for osteoporosis.
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