Co-managing Home Energy Demand: Synthesis Report

This stage of research cross-analysed findings of demand management research and synthesised recommendations to inform the development of residential electricity demand management programs in New South Wales. The research provided and novel segmentation of household cooling practices which contributed a deeper understanding of the diversity within households. Key findings of the research included: a) programs which target critical peak days and successfully communicate the issue of peak demand engage householders in demand management and have a positive impact on householders' perception of the industry but are yet to fully realise their potential; b) assumptions about which energy uses are discretionary may alienate households, miss peak reduction opportunities, and contribute to escalating expectations of comfort and convenience; and c) householders are receptive to understanding more about the energy industry's issues but the style of communication is critical. The report recommended a revised industry communication strategy and the provision of non-financial reasons for households to participate in demand management including engagement with concerns for the 'common good' and health. This research was conducted as part of the Australian Energy Regulator's Demand Management Innovation Incentive Scheme. The research was commissioned by TransGrid, the NSW state-owned electricity transmission business to inform energy policy, programs and pricing relating to the issue of peak electricity demand.
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