Synthesis and crystal structure of the coordination compound of cadmium diiodide monohydrate with quinoxaline

The coordination compound [CdI2(Quinox)2(H2O)] has been synthesized by the reaction between CdI2 and quinoxaline (Quinox, C8H6N2) in a water–ethanol (1: 5) solution, and its crystal structure has been determined. Crystals are orthorhombic, space group Pnma, a = 13.069(1) A, b = 15.218(1) A, c = 9.423(1) A, V = 1874.0(3) A3, ρcalcd = 2.284 g/cm3, Z = 4. The cadmium atom is located in the plane m and has a distorted trigonal bipyramidal coordination; two crystallographically nonequivalent iodine atoms and the O(H2O) atom are in the equatorial plane, and the two nitrogen atoms of two symmetric Quinox ligands are in the axial vertices (Cd(1)–N(1), 2.490(3) × 2 A; Cd(1)–I(1), 2.7533(6) A; Cd(1)–I(2), 2.7280(7) A). The angles at the cadmium atom are 157.1 (2)° between the axial nitrogen atoms and 107.9(1)°–130.8(1)° between the equatorial atoms (maximum value corresponds to the ICdI angle). The complexes are linked into supramolecular strips via O–H…N hydrogen bonds.
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