Lesbian and Gay Affirmative Therapy Competency, Self-Efficacy, and Personality in Psychology Trainees:

This study explored the relationship between therapist personality, self-reported lesbian and gay (LG) affirmative therapy competency, and demonstrated LG affirmative therapy competency utilizing an analogue methodology with 212 therapists-in-training. Participants were randomly assigned to review one of four vignettes that varied the sexual orientation and presenting concern of the characters depicted. The experimental design was a 3 (Openness to Experience: Very High/High/Average) × 2 (Gay/Lesbian Vignette) × 2 (Relationship/Adjustment Vignette) factorial with three dependent variables (i.e., case conceptualization ability, LGB affirmative therapy competency, LGB affirmative therapy self-efficacy), and three covariates (i.e., participant sexual orientation, relationships with LGBT individuals, and number of LGBT clients seen). The relationship between self-reported competency (i.e., self-report measures of competency scores) and demonstrated competency (i.e., case conceptualizations of LG vignettes scor...
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