Large granular lymphocyte neoplasia in an aged mare

5In the present report, we describe a case of disseminated large granular lymphocyte neoplasia in an aged mare. An 18-year-old quarterhorse mare was admitted to the Large Animal Veterinary Teaching Hospital at the University of Georgia for evaluation of weight loss over a 4-week period and anorexia of 5 days duration. A fever of 103-104 F was present for 48 hours prior to admission. No response had been observed following administration of procaine penicillin G for 5 days (22,000 IU/kg intramuscularly every 12 hours). The onset of anorexia and concurrent weakness prompted referral. At admission, the mare was weak, recumbent, and in poor body condition. Heart rate and respiratory rate were elevated (76 beats/minute and 20 breaths/minut e), and rectal temperature was subnormal (97.3 F). Oral mucous membranes were pink and moist; capillary refill time was 2 seconds. Gastrointestinal sounds were absent, and examination per rectum was unremarkable except for the presence of watery feces in the rectum. Thoracic auscultation revealed musical tones at the end of inspiration and pleural friction rubs bilaterally. A mild, bilateral mucopurulent nasal discharge was present. A complete blood count revealed 5.2 x 10 3 leucocytes/µl,
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