Actin isoform synthesis and mRNA levels in quiescent and proliferating rat aortic smooth muscle cells in vivo and in vitro.

The relative levels of actin isoform synthesis in rat aortic smooth muscle cells (SMC) have been studied in vivo and in culture by means of [35S]methionine incorporation. They have been compared to the functional levels of actin isoform mRNAs, assayed by translation of total cell RNA in a reticulocyte lysate or, in some cases, to the actin isoform RNA content, assayed by Northern-blot hybridization to a total actin cRNA probe. In normal media and in freshly isolated SMC, the relative levels of actin isoform synthesis and the actin mRNA translation products show a remarkable similarity, but differ from the proportions of actin isoforms present in a total cell extract (Gabbiani G, Kocher O, Bloom WS, Vandekerckhove J, Weber K: Actin expression in smooth muscle cells of rat aortic intimal thickening, human atheromatous plaque, and cultured rat aortic media. J Clin Invest 73:148, 1984); (Skalli O, Bloom WS, Ropraz P, Azzarone B, Gabbiani G: Cytoskeletal remodeling of rat aortic smooth muscle cells in vitro: relationship to culture conditions and analogies to in vivo situations. J Submicrosc Cytol, in press 1986). This suggests that different actin isoforms have different stabilities. Fifteen days after balloon induced endothelial denudation in vivo, and after being placed in culture, SMC show a decrease in the proportions of alpha-actin synthesis and alpha-actin mRNA levels with a corresponding increase in these parameters for beta- and lambda-actins. The proportions of actin isoform synthesis and actin mRNA translation products in intimal SMC revert to normal values 60 days after balloon induced endothelial denudation, when the aorta is reendothelialized; however, in culture decreased alpha-actin synthesis and mRNA level persist up to the fifth passage (P5). These changes may be helpful for the understanding of SMC adaptation mechanisms during arterial development and atheromatous plaque formation.
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