История военной рентгенологии (к 90-летнему юбилею кафедры рентгенологии и радиологии с курсом ультразвуковой диагностики Военно-медицинской академии)

The Department of radiology and radiology with the course of ultrasound diagnostics of the Military Medical Academy celebrated its 90th anniversary. The Military Medical Academy was the first medical institution in Russia, which immediately after the discovery of x-rays formed the main directions of development of the discipline: research in the field of radiation physics, clinical direction and military radiology, as well as educational and methodological work. The basics of radiology were taught to 5th-year students at the Academy as early as 1897, two years after the discovery of x-rays by V. K. Roentgen. Since 1914, the first courses of military x-ray technicians were organized at the Academy, and in 1923 an independent course of radiology was introduced and the teaching of a new discipline was given a clinical orientation. Glorious traditions were formed at the Department solely due to a remarkable galaxy of scientists who worked within its walls and were at the origins of Russian clinical radiology. These are Professor Mikhail Isaevich Nemenov, academician of the AMN, Professor Georgy Artemyevich Zedgenidze, Professor Leonid Davidovich Lindenbraten, corresponding member of the AMN, Professor Albert Nikolaevich Kishkovsky and many other bright names. Over the years, the Department of radiology of the Academy became recognised as a major educational and scientific center for training and improvement of highly qualified professionals, not only medical institutions of the Ministry of defense of Russia, but also the health of the country. Currently, the staff of the Department is on the rise, carrying out high-level research activities and a complex of everyday radiation studies for the needs of the Academy’s clinics, medical institutions in St. Petersburg and the North-West region.
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