Randomized trial of combination therapy in relapser or non-responder HCV patients

S. Baracetti, R. Colle, M. Gregorutti, E Nascimben, E Virgili, E Zorat, G. Pozzato Ist. Medicina Clinica, Trieste, Italy. Tha combinal~ of kmrfenm (IFN) and n'ba~n (RlflA) has elfcacy in pemdoualy non--rammer (NR) or r m p ~ .(~t.) HCV pahe=. H o = ~ , h = ~ t of ~ dose ot IFN asemciatad tdlh RIBA =,, not Immm. 1Ire aim oi I ~ =ludy was to m J n ~ diffenmt IFN dora b ¢omlbma6on t~l~ RIBA in NR or RB. paleets.We rmdmnised 102 palieets wilh b ~ chmeic HCV hapalilb Io receive eilher 3 or 5 MU of recoml~mnt IFN t~ae ~mes a v~k and RIBA (1000-1200 mg/ae) fer 6 monk md falowed ~ add/iional 6 months. Patem',MIh dnhoao i m e~k~led from the ~udy. The ~mm~L wm mlPped at 4 mon0w for cmu vtah almormal ALT leveb and I,~VRNA p o ~ . "11~ pdem~ mlh undMEIM~ HCV-RNA and nomml ALT al Ihe end of Ihe Irmlment were delMed as compleb m~oo~lem (CR), md Ihoem v/4h Ilte same ~ ~e ~ of f~ow.ap were deO~ m k ~ . m , re~o==~ (LTR). The~ , m S2 non-respondm md 58 relal~m Io i x~ FN trealmmt Mint age and hiNological se~dly of Ik, er ~ we= oompm'ablle in B~e four geOUl~. Four ~ (4%) droppad out _t,,~__m ~lm IWo~ or ~ a'mmb. A I ~ e fradon of pa~r= (68 case~, M %) dm~iOl~l mild ammmb but th~apy was not dismnlinoed. Ful lolow-
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