Galvanismo descendente: estudio preliminar

La corriente galvanica produce cambios fisiologicos desde el punto de vista terapeutico. El objetivo del trabajo es valorar la efectividad del galvanismo descendente en la disminucion de la espasticidad. En el Centro Internacional de Restauracion Neurologica de octubre 2009/mayo 2010 se realizo un estudio a 10 pacientes que participaron en el programa de restauracion neurologica por 28 dias, que al examen fisico presentaban espasticidad, tiempo de evolucion superior a seis meses, ademas se les indico electroterapia, valorandose al inicio y final del tratamiento la espasticidad mediante la escala de Ashworth. Se comprobo la efectividad del galvinismo descendente en la disminucion de la espasticidad, obteniendo resultados positivos al disminir su categoria inicial en la escala de Ashworth, permitiendo mayor calidad en su rehabilitacion. The galvanic current produces physiologic changes from the therapeutic point of view. The objective of this investigation is to value the effectiveness of the descending galvinism for the diminishing of Spasticity. A study was performed with 10 patients at the International Center of Neurologic Restoration (CIREN) from October 2009 to May 2010. The patients participated in the Neurologic Restoration Program for 28 days, presenting spasticity al physical exam and an evolution timer over 6 months, electrotherapy was indicated for spasticity and it was accessed at the beginning and end of treatment through Ashworth scale. The effectiveness of descending galvinism as to the diminishing of spasticity was thus confirmed, and positive results were obtained as its initial category in Ashworth scale diminished, elbowing a greater quality in the rehabilitation.
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