How the authentic experience of a traditional cultural festival affects the attendee's perception of festival identity and place identity

This study examines the relationship between authentic experience and festival identity as well as place identity among tourists visiting the 2018 Lugang Dragon Boat Festival, one of the largest traditional cultural festivals in Taiwan and the festival with the longest history.,Using an on-site survey with convenience sampling, a total of 1,360 valid questionnaires were collected in Lugang Township, a well-known, popular heritage tourism destination in Taiwan. The study also applies structural equation modeling to examine the proposed research model.,The findings of this study establish that the investigated authentic experience has relationships with image, value, satisfaction and identity, thus filling a research gap. In accordance with the theoretical model, the experience of authenticity affects satisfaction through festival image and festival value and strengthens both the attendee's perception of festival identity and place identity.,This research has both theoretical and managerial values. Regarding its theoretical implications, the study explains the relation between authentic experience and festival and place identity. Thus, it fills a research gap resulting from insufficient academic interest in the relationship between festival satisfaction and the formation of festival and place identity. Regarding its managerial implications, to achieve sustainable festival development, festival information services, programs, souvenirs, food and facilities and the convenience of festival activities should be strengthened.
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