High-tide Coastline Method to Study the Stability of Kuakata Coast of Bangladesh Using Remote Sensing Techniques

The coastline morphology of the Kuakata beach, one of the famous tourist places in Bangladesh, has been being changed since several decades. This study was carried out to reveal the stability condition of the coastal area so that the authority can take appropriate measure to save the beach. Multi-temporal satellite images (1973-2012) were used to generate composite layer of coastlines of different study years. The composite layer was managed to generate the coastline change classes. To avoid error due dynamic tidal variation of coast line, Highest High-Tide (HHT) coastline was used in this study. A new method based of spatial profiling in combination with visual interpretation was used to identify HHT coastline on satellite images. The study revealed existence of complex phenomena of coastline changes in the 30 km long Kuakata coast. Erosion, accretion and alternate changes all have been being occurred which endangering the famous beach.
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