Polygraph Accuracy of Control Question Test in Criminal Cases.

Abstract: Objective To explore polygraph accuracy of Control Question Test (CQT)and whether it could be influenced by examinee's education level and type of violation of law. Methods Real cases of CQT (n=104) and the data from MAO (n=296) were collected. The polygraph accuracy of CQT was calculated. Variance analysis on three groups of different education levels was used to compare their age, and then the chi-square test was employed to compare polygraph accuracy among the groups. Independent sample t test was used to compare the age of subjects in the two groups of different types of violation of law, and then chi-square test was used to compare the true positive rate and true negative rate of lie detection after integration. Results In CQT lie detection of criminal cases, the true positive rate was 87.00%, the false negative rate was 13.00%, the true negative rate was 82.20%, and the false positive rate was 17.80%. There was no statistical significance in the differences between the true positive rate and the true negative rate (P>0.05). In CQT lie detection of the groups of different education levels, there was no statistical significance in the differences between the true positive rates (P>0.05) while the differences between the true negative rates had statistical significance (P 0.05). Conclusion There is no significant difference between the efficiency of CQT lie detection of identifying criminals and excluding innocents. However, a comparatively high false positive rate and false negative rate still exist. The efficiency of CQT lie detection identifying criminals may not influenced by the examinee's education level and type of violation of law, but its efficiency of excluding innocents may be influenced by the examinee's education level. 摘要: 目的 探究准绳问题测试(Control Question Test,CQT)在刑事案件中的测谎准确率及其是否会受到受试者受教育程度及其违法类型的影响。 方法 搜集CQT测谎的真实案例(n104)及MAO等的研究数据(n296),计算测谎准确率。对不同受教育程度的3个组间受试者年龄比较采用方差分析,组间测谎准确率的比较采用χ2检验;对不同违法类型的2个组间受试者年龄比较采用独立样本t检验,组间测谎准确率的比较采用χ2检验;对整合后的测谎真阳性率和真阴性率的比较采用χ2检验。 结果 在刑事案件中,CQT测谎的真阳性率为87.00%,假阴性率为13.00%,真阴性率为82.20%,假阳性率为17.80%,真阳性率与真阴性率之间的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。不同受教育程度的受试组中,CQT测谎真阳性率的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),但真阴性率的差异存在统计学意义(P 0.05)。 结论 CQT测谎在刑事案件中识别违法和排除无辜的效能可能不存在明显差异,但仍然存在较高的假阳性率和假阴性率;CQT测谎识别违法的效能可能不受受试者受教育程度及违法类型的影响,但其排除无辜的效能却可能受到受试者受教育程度的影响。. 关键词: 司法精神病学;测谎;准绳问题测试;刑事案件.
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