Proposals for the practice of sleep medicine during the COVID-19 pandemic/ Propositions pour la prise en charge des troubles du sommeil et de la vigilance en priode pidmique COVID-19. Propositions conjointes de la Socit franaise de recherche et mdecine du sommeil, la Socit de pneumologie de langue franaise et la Fdration franaise de pneumologie. Version 103 05 2020

Since mid-March 2020, the COVID-19 epidemic has led to the suspension of sleep clinic and sleep center operations. Although rarely urgent, sleep disorder management cannot be postponed indefinitely. Proposals to clarify the modalities for the gradual resumption of sleep medicine services have been developed using the CORE methodology, which allows for rapid expert consensus when the evidence-based data is weak. The performance of diagnostic sleep and alertness tests must be limited to patients for whom the benefit�risk balance is indisputably favorable and when the results are likely to have a decisive impact on a therapeutic strategy, with priority being given to teleconsultation and ambulatory recordings. Strict adherence to physical separation and other barrier measures, the use of protective equipment by staff and of single-use equipment whenever possible, and strict cleaning and disinfection procedures for equipment and premises should limit the risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission between patient and staff members. The proposals of the expert group are valid at the time of their publication but will be re-evaluated and updated regularly according to the development of scientific knowledge and the recommendations of the health authorities based on the evolution of the epidemic.
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