Effects of differentiated music on cycling time trial

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of music introduced and removed during a 10-km cycling time trial with reference to Rejeski ’ s parallel processing theory and Karageorghis, Terry and Lane ’ s conceptual framework for the prediction of responses to asynchronous music during sub-maximal exercise. A range of performance variables, ratings of perceived exertion, positive aff ect, negative aff ect, and blood lactate were assessed. Eleven males (mean age = 24.9, s = 6.1 years) completed a 10-km time trial under three conditions; no music, music played initially then removed between 5 – 10 km, and music played between 5 – 10 km only. Variables of time, power, cadence, speed, RPE, blood lactate, positive and negative aff ect were analysed using a Condition × Distance ANOVA. There was no signifi cant main eff ect for music conditions for the performance variables, perceived exertion, blood lactate, and aff ect (p > 0.05). Nevertheless, a signifi cant interaction eff ect for Condition × Distance was found for cycling speed, with participants cycling 1 – 1.25 km / h faster at the start of the music introduced time trial than in both the music removed and no music time trials (p < 0.05). The results indicate that performance and aff ect during a 10 km time trial are infl uenced by the introduction and / or removal of music during exercise and this fi nding can be used to extend current theory as it does not specifically address the periodic use music. The fact that participants exercised harder when they expected music to be introduced at a later stage illustrates the behavioural infl uences that music can engender during self-paced exercise.
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