ZEAL: A mathematical software package for computing zeros of analytic functions

We present a reliable and portable software package for computing zeros of analytic functions. The package is named ZEAL (ZEros of AnaLytic functions). Given a rectangular region W in the complex plane and a function f :W!C that is analytic inW and does not have zeros on the boundary ofW , ZEAL localizes and computes all the zeros off that lie inside W , together with their respective multiplicities. ZEAL is based on the theory of formal orthogonal polynomials. It proceeds by evaluating numerically certain integrals along the boundary of W involving the logarithmic derivative f 0 =f and by solving generalized eigenvalue problems. The multiplicities are computed by solving a linear system of equations that has Vandermonde structure. ZEAL is written in Fortran 90. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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