Non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation and cancer--is there a relationship

A number of problems become evident when we attempt to assess the data in this review. We must first acknowledge the fact that EM radiation, as opposed to some chemical and physical pollutants which can be seen, tasted, or detected by odor, is in most situations not detected by human senses. This fact alone, however, does not prove or disprove the conjecture that EMR is a potential health hazard. The studies on the effects of EMR on cell systems, animals, and human subjects, report results which promote in some and reject in others the hypothesis that EMR in the ELF and microwave range is carcinogenic. Much of the criticism of the studies on human subjects centers around (1) quantifying exposure to EM Fields; (2) the epidemiologic-statistical methods used to gather, study, and interpret the data; and (3) lack of data studying co-carcinogens. Although there is no convincing evidence that EMR is carcinogenic, the uncertainty, in addition to the ubiquity of EMR, makes study of its possible health effects and its carcinogenic potential an essential part of future medical and epidemiologic research.59 references.
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