Clinical Management of Drug Toxicity caused by combined administration of Diamenazene aceturate, Ivomectin and Oxytetracycline: Case Report in two Alsatians and one Caucasian Dogs

Veterinary Teaching Hospital, University of Nigeria Nsukka Enugu State Nigeria *Corresponding Author’s E-mail: A four year old German shepherd female dog, Mig, was presented to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital (VTH) of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) with primary complaints of in-appetence, vomition, weakness and progressive loss of weight. History of the case revealed that the anorexia had started five days before. The 18Kg dog had earlier been treated with Diamenazene aceturate and Ivermectin before referral to the VTH. Clinical examination of the dog revealed bilateral mydriasis, stiffness of the ear pinnea and muscle tremours. Physiological parameters showed tachycardia pyrexia and tachypnea and an imperceptible pulse. Differential diagnosis made included cerebral Trypanosomosis, Canine Distemper, Rabies and drug reaction. At the VTH, we routinely managed two other dogs with similar history of treatment with Diamenazene aceturate, Ivermectin and Oxytetracycline and clinical presentations of drug toxicity and intoxication using supportive therapy of dextrose saline, lactate ringers and normal saline and antidotes but these dogs died. This was the status quo prior to the findings reported herein. However, Mig, in addition to our a-fore mentioned routine therapy, was managed with Plasma Extender (Isoplasma), which is whole blood without cells. The recovery of Mig and the death of the other two dogs further emphasizes that inclusion of Isoplasma to the routine regimen is more effective for the management of drug toxicity and other forms of intoxication and this report advocates for its adoption in clinical practice. It is also worthy of note that whereas this case was handled in 2011, as at 2015, the time of reporting this case, Mig had whelped 4 other times; producing healthy puppies and Isoplasma has become a routine inclusion in the management of cases of intoxication in canine.
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