Moving Inclusively Through Transport Buildings: A Cross-disciplinary Design Case Study

Inclusivity within society is a critical pillar of sustainability. However, integrating cross-disciplinary thinking, user-centred and inclusive design paradigms within the built environment sector is a challenge. To address this concern, this study links and draws new meaning from a series of articles within the context of busy urban train stations. Questions addressed are: (i) what new guidelines could address inclusivity in practice? (ii) what underpinning theory, universal (UD) or inclusive design (ID) will satisfy inclusivity in practice? (iii) how could user-centric ‘service design’ (SD) methods be transferred to the built environment? (iv) what practical ways could audit inclusivity in the early design stage? (v) what new tools could be used to address cross-disciplinary and holistic thinking? (vi) how could a ‘designerly way of knowing’ technique address ‘wicked’ problems in inclusivity? and, (vii) what does design mean in this context? The study transfers ‘SD’ methods to the built environment to produce new insights.
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