Visualization of Euler deconvolution estimates on traditional and plateau plots

of potential field data. The method estimates the positionand the base level for a given nature (i.e., structural index– SI) of a geologic source based on the magnetic dada.These estimates are computed inside a moving datawindow spanning the whole dataset. The selection of thebest estimates is related to the plot of these estimates.Traditionally, for each SI, the estimates of sourcehorizontal coordinates obtained for each position of amoving data window are plotted in the plan view of thestudy area and the estimates of source depth arerepresented by different color or size. This traditional plotrequires a criterion to select the best estimates and dealwith the spread of solutions. In this case, mostly, the baselevelestimates are computed but they are not used orshown. We compare the traditional plot of the estimatesfrom magnetic fields with an alternative plot where, foreach SI, every estimate is plotted against the centralposition of the moving data window. At this plot, when thecorrect SI is used the solutions form a plateau of constantvalues. We perform the analysis for synthetic data setsgenerated by different SI and for a real data set, beyondthat; we plot base-level estimates in the traditional way. Werun Euler deconvolution over the Diorama anomaly,located in the Goias Alkaline Province, Brazil, and analyzethe estimates over different plots. From the results of bothplots we may infer that Diorama anomaly is generated byat least two vertical plugs.
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