Efectodelcambioclimáticoenlarecargadelacuífero delVentós(Alicante) Early research on the effect of climate change on groundwater recharge ofVentós (Alicante)

Predictions of climate change have a high interest in regions like the province of Alicante whose economy is largely based on groundwater. It is expected that the decrease of precipitation and the increase of temperature according to climate change forecasts, could impact on the recharge to aquifers. In this context, the aim of this study was explore the possible impact of climate changes forecasts on recharge in a small aquifer. In order to achieve it downscaling techniques have been used from the HadCM3 Global Climate Model.Air temperature and precipitation data in two climate change scenarios, B2 and A2 have been estimated. These databases have been coupled to HYDROBAL a hydrological model, to determine the soil water balance. Results have showed increase of 4o C of temperature and decrease of 10% precipitation in both scenarios at the end century.The hydrological model shows a negative water balance in relation to baseline period (19611990), being the higher differences with theA2 scenario. It could produce an important impact on the recharge of the Ventos aquifer, but it must be checked in future studies.
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