Parameter Optimization and Field Validation of the Functional-Structural Model GREENLAB for Maize

• Background and Aims There are three reasons for the increasing demand for crop models that build the plant on the basis of architectural principles and organogenetic processes: (1) realistic concepts for developing new crops need to be guided by such models; (2) there is an increasing interest in crop phenotypic plasticity, based on variable architecture and morphology; and (3) engineering of mechanized cropping systems requires information on crop architecture. The functional–structural model GREENLAB was recently presented that simulates resource-dependent plasticity of plant architecture. This study introduces a new methodology for crop parameter optimization against measured data called multi-fitting, validates the calibrated model for maize with independent field data, and describes a technique for 3D visualization of outputs. • Methods Maize was grown near Beijing during the 2000, 2001 and 2003 (two sowing dates) summer seasons in a block design with four to five replications. Detailed morphological and topological observations were made on the plant architecture throughout the development of the four crops. Data obtained in 2000 was used to establish target files for parameter optimization using the generalized least square method, and parameter accuracy was evaluated by coefficient of variance. In situ plant digitization was used to establish 3D symbol files for organs that were then used to translate model outputs directly into 3D representations for each time step of model execution. •Key Results and Conclusions Multi-fitting against several target files obtained at different growth stages gave better parameter accuracy than single fitting at maturity only, and permitted extracting generic organ expansion kinetics from the static observations. The 2000 model gave excellent predictions of plant architecture and vegetative growth for the other three seasons having different temperature regimes, but predictions of inter-seasonal variability of biomass partitioning during grain filling were less accurate. This was probably due to insufficient consideration of processes governing cob sink size and terminal leaf senescence. Further perspectives for model improvement are discussed.
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