Endoskopi öncesi anksiyete derecesinin hasta toleransı ve sedatif dozu üzerine etkisi

Background and Aims: Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy produces moderate levels of anxiety. High levels of anxiety may affect tolerability of the procedure and may increase both endoscopy- and sedation-related complications. We aimed to investigate the effect of anxiety level on tolerance of the endoscopy procedure and the amount of sedative drug doses. We also investigated the possible patient characteristics that affect the level of pre-procedural anxiety and tolerance of the endoscopy procedure. Materials and Methods: All endoscopies were performed under sedoanalgesia. Patients who referred to our endoscopy unit for upper upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and were older than 18 years were enrolled into the study. Patients' anxiety level was assessed by Beck anxiety scale before the endoscopy. Results: Two hundred and thirty-three patients (153 females) who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were enrolled in the study. The median age was 45 years. Thirteen patients had a high degree of anxiety before the endoscopy and tolerance was poor in 60 patients. No statistically significant difference was determined between the tolerance groups with regard to mean anxiety scores. Conclusions: We found that pre-endoscopy anxiety level does not affect patient tolerance of the procedure. The poor tolerance group was younger than the other tolerance groups and females had higher pre-procedural anxiety than males.
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