Изучение функции реснитчатого эпителия у больных муковисцидозом и хронической обструктивной болезнью легких

25 patients with CF and 20 with others of COPD were examinated. Ciliary beat was measured by a lifetime TV microscopy of bioptates of respiratory mucous. Material was obtained with the help of brush biopsy during fiberoptic bronchoscopy. The image of ciliary beat from a light microscope was recorded on the hard disk of the personal computer. The specially created program estimated ciliary beat frequency (CBF) and amplitude of ciliary beating. CBF into bronchi of the CF patients have made at impact phase – 6.3+0.33 Hz, raising phase – 5.7+0.36 Hz; in the patients with COPD: 6.5+0.32 Hz and 6.2+0.33 Hz accordingly. The precise tendency to a drop of CBF and amplitude of ciliary beating in the patients with CF on a comparison with the patients with COPD and literary datas was marked. Also, the drop of indexes of beating in the patients with Ps.aeruginosae mucoid were marked.
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