London Moment, London’s Superpotential, Nambu-Goldstone Mode, and Berry Connection from Many-Body Wave Functions

Although the standard theory of superconductivity based on the BCS theory is a successful one, there are several experimental results that indicate the necessity for fundamental revisions. One of them is the mass in the London moment. Experiments indicate the mass in the London moment is the free electron mass although the BCS theory and its extension predict it to be an effective mass. We show that this discrepancy is lifted if we install the London’s superpotential in the theory, and identify it as the Berry phase arising from the many-body wave functions. Then, the induced current by the applied magnetic field becomes a stable current calculated using the free energy in contrast to the linear response current assumed in the standard theory which yields the Nambu-Goldstone mode. The Nambu-Goldstone mode arising from the breakdown of the global U(1) gauge invariance in the standard theory is replaced by the collective mode arising from the Berry connection. Then, the free electron mass appears in the London moment.
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