A Randomized Greedy Heuristic for Steerable Wireless Backhaul Reconfiguration

In this paper, we consider the reconfiguration of wireless backhaul networks with mechanically steerable antennas in the presence of changing traffic demands. Reconfiguration requires the scheduling and coordination of several operations, including antenna alignment and link establishment/removal, with minimal disruption to existing user traffic. Previously, we proposed a Mixed Integer Linear Program (MILP) to orchestrate such reconfiguration with minimal packet loss. While the MILP solves the problem optimally for a limited number of discrete reconfiguration time slots, it does not scale well. In this paper, we propose an iterative randomized greedy algorithm to obtain suboptimal solutions in reduced time. The algorithm schedules the reconfiguration of wireless links by ranking them according to a set of attributes with associated weights and selecting them according to a randomized greedy function. Results on six different network scenarios indicate that the proposed algorithm can achieve good quality solutions in significantly less time. Furthermore, by extending the reconfiguration time beyond the maximum number of time slots solvable by the MILP, the proposed heuristic can obtain superior solutions for some problem instances. The number of iterations of the algorithm can be tuned for its applicability in both offline and online planning scenarios.
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