Tek Parti Döneminde Maraş'ta Cumhuriyet Bayrami Kutlamalari (1934-1945)

One of the important symbolic values of the establishment of social unity and shaping the perception of this unity are festivals. The phenomenon of festival which emerges in National and religious structure has been very important for the Turkish Community. The festivals, which were observed in the different periods within first Turks in the Middle East were celebrated stronger with the effect of different movements during Ottoman Empire. This celebration tradition has been accepted as the national holiday first with the proclamation of the constitutional monarchy and then opening of the Parliament. The last ring was determining the regime as Republic the after independence war in 29 October 1923. Accordingly, The national day which was celebrated for the first time in 29 October 1924 with 101-gun salute, has been then celebrated as national day under various procedures participation of local governments under the administration of Republican People's Party. Maras, one of the most important areas for the independence struggle, greeted the republic with a great joy and the National day has been celebrated here with various functions as the rest of the country. The celebrations which held in Maras between 1934-1945 years has been implemented with the light of the instructions sent by CHP central organization by taking the reality of the city into consideration. The celebrations was organised during the day and night with the participation of the people and officials including Villages and districts of the city.The celebrations which were held with poems, lantern processions, conferences and speeches underlies the understanding of the celebrations until today
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