Improving Indices in Evaluation of Medical Research Centers in Iran

To implement Health System Reform Plan properly, it is required to evaluate and survey process of health research system, as well as implementation process and effectiveness of such system using accurate indices. Research evaluation means systematic measurement of policies, programs or plans to determine the success in achieving the objectives of the nationwide health system, ultimately, improvement the health level of society equitably. Assessment of the scientific research centers causes beneficia ries of each scientific institution to be informed of improvement level and quality of scientific activities, and enables them to rec eive feedback from the evaluation for dynamic planning and developing of scientific activities. This study aimed at ensuring that the best indices are chosen for evaluation of health research system. Methodology: This research was conducted using descriptive analytic method. The statistical population comprised all heads of research centers, and prominent experts and scholars of Ir an. Sampling was done using targeted method. For data collection, indices that were most important in terms of evaluation of heal th research system were selected, which formed the main parts of the expert’s opinion questionnaire. In process of asking expert’s opinion, a limited population of fully qualified experts was used. Some of the questionnaires were completed by respondents v ia e-mail and others in person. Finally, 16 questionnaires were completed and analyzed. According to the results, the most importa nt indices as seen from the views of experts were those of innovation and creativity in the field of research and services, stra tegic planning, including identification of the vision and mission of research centers (including mission, values, long term goa ls, internal environment analysis, external environment analysis, choice of strategies, alignment of activities with the objectiv es, the one-year-long action plan), designing new training courses for the purpose of targeted research, scientific breakthroug hs leading to provision of services in the field of healthcare, health policy making and management, training and education industry, attracting elites and financial resources.Conclusion: Results of this study indicated that the selected indices had the po tential to be used to ensure the proper and accurate evaluation of research centers, and to ensure their development in accordance with the set objectives.It is suggested for future researches to determine the utility of such indices at the end of the medi cal research centers evaluation period, and to provide proper mechanisms for provision of data in this regard and for measurement of the said indi ces.
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