Chronic kidney disease, physical activity, and cognitive function in older adults- results from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2011-2014).

BACKGROUND Cognitive impairment is common among persons with chronic kidney disease (CKD) due in part to reduced kidney function. Given that physical activity (PA) is known to mitigate cognitive decline, we examined whether associations between CKD stage and global/domain-specific cognitive function differs by PA. METHODS We leveraged 3,223 participants (aged≥60years) enrolled in National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES,2011-2014), with at least one measure of objective cognitive function (immediate recall [CERAD-WL], delayed recall [CERAD-DR], verbal fluency [AF], executive function/processing speed [DSST], global [average of 4 tests]) or self-perceived memory decline [SCD]. We quantified the association between CKD stage (no CKD: eGFR≥60 mL/min/1.73m2 and albuminuria(ACR)<30 mg/g; stage G1-G3: eGFR≥60mL/min/1.73m2 and ACR≥30mg/g or eGFR 30-59mL/min/1.73m2; stage G4-G5: eGFR<30mL/min/1.73m2) and cognitive function using linear regression (objective measures) and logistic regression (SCD), accounting for sampling weights for nationally-representative estimates. We tested whether associations differed by physical activity (Global Physical Activity Questionnaire, high PA≥600MET*min/week vs. low PA<600MET*min/week) using a Wald test. RESULTS Among NHANES participants, 34.9% had CKD stageG1-G3, 2.6% had stageG4-G5, and 50.7% had low PA. CKD stageG4-G5 was associated with lower global cognitive function (difference = -0.38SD, 95%CI:-0.62,-0.15). This association differed by PA (pinteraction = 0.01). Specifically, among participants with low PA, those with CKD stageG4-G5 had lower global cognitive function (difference = -0.57SD, 95%CI: -0.82,-0.31) compared to those without CKD. Among those with high PA, no difference was found (difference = 0.10SD, 95%CI:-0.29,0.49). Similarly, CKD stage was only associated with immediate recall, verbal fluency, executive function, and processing speed among those with low PA; no associations were observed for delayed recall or self-perceived memory decline. CONCLUSIONS CKD is associated with lower objective cognitive function among those with low, but not high PA. Clinicians should consider screening older patients with CKD who have low PA for cognitive impairment and encourage them to meet PA guidelines.
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