Financial frictions and monetary policy conduct

The Thesis aims at evaluating monetary policy in presence of financial frictions both from an empirical and structural perspective. Along those lines, multi-variate time-series framework as well as model with more explicit theoretical foundations will be deployed. The Thesis presents original contributions in various fields of monetary and financial macroeconomics.The main motivation for the applied research presented in this Thesis are twofold. It responded both to the need for deeper research on macro-financial linkages and to the growing interest of policy institutions for the model-based policy advise. First, the Great recession and in particular, the typology of crisis episodes in Europe over the last decade, unveiled new challenges for monetary policy conduct, notably related to the prevalence of financial factors in cyclical fluctuations, the design of non-standard measures and the interactions with financial service policies. The second motivation has to do with the growing role for structural models in the preparation of monetary policy within central banks. Over the last decades, academic research and central bank practices have mutually benefited from strong synergies, whereby quantitative methods and theoretical advances have had a lasting influence on main preparation avenues for monetary policy making.In Chapter 1, a set of empirical studies intend to demonstrate the prevalence of financial shocks underlying the euro area macroeconomic performance during the Great recession. In particular, BVAR models can identify credit supply shocks and quantify their contribution to the various recessionary episodes over the last decade.Thereafter, Chapter 2 explores more structurally the transmission mechanism of financial shocks together with their heterogeneity across the euro area through the lens of DSGE models featuring a relevant set of demand-side as well as supply-side credit frictions.Against this background, the Thesis examine more normative aspects of monetary policy conduct starting with derivation of optimal monetary policy in selected DSGE models, which is the focus of Chapter 3. The Ramsey approach to optimal monetary provides a clear benchmark for formulating normative prescriptions. We analyse the main properties of the Ramsey allocation within a set of quantitative DSGE models, thereby bring new insight on various closed economy and open economy policy challenges.At times of crisis, as financial-driven recessions bring the monetary policy interest rates to their effective lower bound, central bank deployed a set of non-standard measures in order to engineer the intended policy accommodation. Chapter 4 presents several studies which extend DSGE models to analyse the role of non-standard monetary policy measures like asset purchase programmes or long-term liquidity operations. The credit channel of those measures will be the focus of the analysis. From a more normative standpoint, the optimal central bank asset purchase strategy will be derived.Finally, in Chapter 5, the normative assessment of monetary policy conduct in presence of financial frictions calls for considering strategic interactions with other policies, and notably macroprudential policy. Such interactions are all the more relevant when analysed in a monetary union context through multi-country DSGE models.
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