Salutogenic factors for oral health among older people: an integrative review connecting the theoretical frameworks of Antonovsky and Lalonde.

OBJECTIVE The aim of this integrative review was to describe salutogenic factors associated with oral health outcomes in older people, from the theoretical perspectives of Antonovsky and Lalonde. MATERIAL AND METHODS This study was based on a primary selection of 10,016 articles. To organize reported salutogenic factors, the Lalonde health field concept and Antonovsky's salutogenic theory were cross tabulated. RESULTS The final analysis was based on 58 studies. The following oral health outcome variables were reported: remaining teeth, caries, periodontal disease, oral function and oral health related quality of life (OHRQoL). We could identify 77 salutogenic factors for oral health and OHRQoL. Salutogenic factors were identified primarily within the fields of Human Biology (such as 'higher saliva flow', 'BMI < 30 kg/m2' and 'higher cognitive ability at age 11'), Lifestyle (such as 'higher education level', 'social network diversity' and 'optimal oral health behaviour') and Environment (such as 'lower income inequality', 'public water fluoridation' and 'higher neighbourhood education level'). In the age group 60 years and over, there was a lack of studies with specific reference to salutogenic factors. CONCLUSIONS The results provide an overview of salutogenic factors for oral health from two theoretical perspectives. The method allowed concomitant disclosure of both theoretical perspectives and examination of their congruence. Further hypothesis-driven research is needed to understand how elderly people can best maintain good oral health.
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