SSPSNet: a single shot panoptic segmentation network for accurate scene parsing

Panoptic segmentation is a challenging task which aims to provide a comprehensive scene parsing result. Researchers have been devoted to improve its accuracy and efficiency. In this paper, we propose a single shot panoptic segmentation network (SSPSNet) to handle this task more accurately. SSPSNet novelly develops the object detection network FCOS by adding a mask segmentation branch to predict the instance mask and a semantic segmentation branch to predict the classes of background pixels. In addition, we design a parameter-free identical mapping connection module that increases shortcut on the mask segmentation, FCOS classification and regression branches, respectively, to extract more expressive feature maps for instance segmentation and object detection subtasks. More importantly, we design a parameter-free category and location aware module that transfers the category and location information of FCOS to the mask and semantic segmentation branches for improving their ability of distinguishing instances and background. Experimental results show that the proposed SSPSNet gets 44.0 /45.8PQ, 11.6/10.0FPS on COCO-Panoptic 2017 when uses ResNet-50/101-FPN as backbone, which achieves the state-of-the-art performance with smaller parameters and computation.
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