Stratejik Yönetim Dersinin Öğrencilere İş Dünyasında Gerekli Nitelikleri Kazandırma Düzeyi: Ankara Üniversitelerinde Bir Araştırma

Ulusal refahin saglanmasinda onemli gorev ustlenen orgutlerinyonetiminde gorev alacak uzman yoneticilere olan ihtiyac giderek artmayabaslamistir. Sosyal Bilimler alaninda verilen Isletme Yonetimi egitimi degunumuzde kuresel vizyona sahip kisiler yetistirilmesini, evrensel bilgilere sahip bilgilerle donatilmasini saglamaktadir. Isletme yonetiminde yukseklisans egitimi almak, is dunyasinda aranan elaman olmakla beraber, degisendunya dinamiklerine uyum saglamayi ogretirken, kisilerin, ekip calismasi,motivasyon, vizyon sahibi olma ve cevresel kosullara uygun cesur kararlar alabilen liderlik ozelliklerini gelistirmelerine yardimci olur.Stratejik yonetim yaklasimi ise yoneticiye genis anlamda cevreselfaktorlere bagli olarak her sektor icin gelecegi uzun vadeli dusunme vegorme ufkunu kazandirmaktadir. Bu baglamda Stratejik Yonetimdersi alan ogrencilere calistiklari veya calisacaklari orgutlerde, uzun donemli basarilaribelirleyecek kararlari ve planlari ortaya koyabilme becerilerine onemli katkisaglayacaktir.Bu calisma 2012-2013 egitim-ogretim doneminde Ankara ilinde bulunan universitelerin Isletme Yonetimi yuksek lisans programlarindaStratejik Yonetim dersi alan 93 ogrenci kapsaminda degerlendirilerek,incelenmistir.---- The need to expert managers who will take charge in the managementof the organizations which takes important responsibilities in theestablishment of the national welfare has been growing. In this respect,Business Administration education which is provided in the field of SocialSciences help us to train people with a global vision and equip them with therealities of the world. Having postgraduate education in the businessadministration, will make students the wanted personnel in the businessmarket. In addition to this, it teaches students to adapt themselves to thechanging dynamics of the world, helps you to engage in team work,motivated work and working with and for a vision, and helps you to developyour leadership characteristics which can take decisions courageously as theenvironmental conditions let you.Strategic management approach aims to give the manager the skills tosee and evaluate the prospects of each sector in the long term according tothe environmental conditions. In this respect, the Strategic Managementcourse will contribute its students to develop their skills with which they willput forward the plans and decisions that take them to the success in thefuture.
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