Quantitative Studies on the Intradermal Tuberculin Reaction in Southern Iran

One hundred and fifty patients of low socioeconomic conditions with active pulmonary tuberculosis were tested with first, intermediate, and second strength doses of purified protein derivative of tuberculin given intradermally. Those that showed a 5-mm or larger skin induration at 48 hours to these doses constituted 72, 90, and 96.7 per cent of patients, respectively. Patients with a 10-mm or larger skin induration at 48 hours represented 52.6, 76.7, and 92.4 per cent of those tested. According to the criteria listed in the 1969 edition of Diagnostic Standards and Classifications of Tuberculosis, 23.3 per cent of these patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis could be classified as Mantoux-nonreactivc or doubtfully reactive to 5 tuberculin units at 48 hours after the test.
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