Deep Ordinal Hashing With Spatial Attention

Hashing has attracted increasing research attention in recent years due to its high efficiency of computation and storage in image retrieval. Recent works have demonstrated the superiority of simultaneous feature representations and hash functions learning with deep neural networks. However, most existing deep hashing methods directly learn the hash functions by encoding the global semantic information, while ignoring the local spatial information of images. The loss of local spatial structure makes the performance bottleneck of hash functions, therefore limiting its application for accurate similarity retrieval. In this paper, we propose a novel deep ordinal hashing (DOH) method, which learns ordinal representations to generate ranking-based hash codes by leveraging the ranking structure of feature space from both local and global views. In particular, to effectively build the ranking structure, we propose to learn the rank correlation space by exploiting the local spatial information from fully convolutional network and the global semantic information from the convolutional neural network simultaneously. More specifically, an effective spatial attention model is designed to capture the local spatial information by selectively learning well-specified locations closely related to target objects. In such hashing framework, the local spatial and global semantic nature of images is captured in an end-to-end ranking-to-hashing manner. Experimental results conducted on three widely used datasets demonstrate that the proposed DOH method significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art hashing methods.
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