Distribution, properties, and carbon stock of Indonesian peatland.

From the 188 million ha Indonesia land area, peatland occupies about 20.9 million ha, mainly distributed in Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Papua, storing between 33,000 to 55,000 Mt carbon. This paper describes the properties and carbon stock (Corg) of peatland areas of Indonesia based on surveys during the period of 2000 – 2009. Most of the peat soils are distributed in lowland areas, especially in stagnant coastal plains and in swale or lagoons that are separated from the sea by beach ridges. This paper emphasizes the properties and carbon stock (Corg) of peatland areas of Indonesia based on surveys during the period of 2000 2009. Results show that Indonesian peat soil has a wide range of carbon stock due to the variation in bulk density (BD) and peat depth. Peat maturity and Corg seem to influence the carbon stock less dominantly. Mean BD in selected sites in Kalimantan and Sumatra are 0.12 to 0.17 gram cm respectively, with the more mature peat tends to have a higher BD. Drained peat, used for agriculture, tend to be more mature in the surface layer. Mean Corg (by weight) in East Kalimantan, West Kalimantan and Sumatra (Aceh and West Sumatra) for fibrists, hemists and sapric peat soil maturity were 41%, 45% and 53% for East Kalimantan site and 39%, 50% and 66% for West Kalimantan site, respectively. Sumatran fibric, hemic and sapric peat had Corg of 38%, 45% and 52%, respectively. Peat thickness varies widely and related with peat formation and processes of compaction and decomposition. Saprist and Saprist/ Hemists peat maturity stock soil carbon ranges from 293 to 699 ton ha m; Hemists Hemists/ Fibrists peat maturity stock around 362 to 606 Mg ha m, while Fibrists – Saprists/Fibrists peat stock about 366 to 612 Mg ha m. With peat thickness ranging from 0.5 to 12 m, peat soil carbon stock may range from about 293 to 699 Mg ha m, reflecting peatland importance as a carbon pool.
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