The acquired immune deficiency syndrome and related complex: a report of 2 confirmed cases in Cape Town with comments on human T-cell lymphotropic virus type III infections.

The authors report a case of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and one of AIDS-related complex presenting in Cape Town. The 1st patient was probably infected in the USA. In turn he infected the 2nd patient by regular homosexual contact. Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type III (HTLV-III) was cultured perhaps for the 1st time in Africa from the peripheral blood lymphocytes and a lymph node of the patient with AIDS. HTLV-III infection and high-risk groups in South Africa are discussed in comparison with those in the USA. It is suggested that HTLV-III infection and AIDS will increasingly affect women. Prevention of the spread of HTLV-III infection and AIDS is discussed in relation to close medical surveillance and the protection of blood and blood products from contamination. Counseling of patients with AIDS and persons infected with HTLV-III general health education and the protection of health care staff are important in preventing spread but beyond the scope of this article. (authors modified)
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