Building achromatic refractive beam shapers

Achromatic beam shapers can provide beam shaping in a certain spectral band and are very important for various laser techniques, such as, applications based on ultra-short pulse lasers with pulse width <100 fs, confocal microscopy, multicolour holography, life sciences fluorescence techniques, where several lasers in spectrum 405-650 nm are used simultaneously, for example 405-650 nm. Conditions of energy re-distribution and zero wave aberration are strictly fulfilled in ordinary plano-aspheric lens pair beam shapers for a definite wavelength only. Hence, these beam shapers work efficiently in relatively narrow, few nm spectrum. To provide acceptable beam quality for refractive beam shaping over a wide spectrum, an achromatizing design condition should be added. Consequently, the typical beam shaper design contains more than two-lenses, to avoid any damaging and other undesirable effects the lenses of beam shaper should be air-spaced. We suggest a two-step method of designing the beam shaper: 1) achromatizing of each plano-aspheric lens using a buried achromatizing surface (“chromatic radius”), then each beam shaper component presents a cemented doublet lens, 2) “splitting” the cemented lenses and realizing air-spaced lens design using optical systems design software. This method allows for using an achromatic design principle during the first step of the design, and then, refining the design by using optimization software. We shall present examples of this design procedure for an achromatic Keplerian beam shaper and for the design of an achromatic Galilean type of beam shaper. Experimental results of operation of refractive beam shapers will be presented as well.
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